Task 48
Task 48
SHC Task 48

QA & Support Measures for Solar Cooling

5th Solar cooling OTTI conference

25 - 27th September, Bad Krozingen (Germany)

The conference took place from 25 to 27th September in Bad Krozingen with nearly 100 attendees.

Very high quality of presentations and organizations.

The p”place-to-be” for the Solar cooling R&D situation overview and progresses.

Nearly 60 abstracts submitted

Nearly 30 oral presentations selected

A large proposition of IEA SHC Task 48 inputs

2 side workshops on:

  • Planning tools (ZAFH.net / TECSOL)
  • Heat Rejection (Solarück)

* SorTech, InvenSor, EAW,

* Fraunhofer ISE, ILK Dresden, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences

This conference included a selection of papers and presentations submitted by experts from around the world. It also included regional industry reports from Europe, China and Australia and included a technical tour program. All papers were reviewed and published in the conference proceedings.

Main feedback from the conference :

  • Opening session : Big interest outside Europe (EU call, Chinese

Roadmap, presence or nearly 10 attendees from Middle East

  • Components :
    • new developments for cost reduction (solution pumps, air collectors)
    • Heat rejection management (decrease CAPEX, OPEX and adaptability)
  • Industry forum : There are components on the market for commercial projects (IS..)
  • System design :
    • interesting new hybrid cycles (ejector + compression for eg.)
    • Importance of tools to look at the feasibility (SAC making sense or not)
  • PV cooling session : very fruitful and even too short !
    • Difficulties to go for small SAC if no important DHW needs
    • For large SAC systems : big competition in perspective but…

…PV thermal is entering now the Building thermal world creating issues (control, storage)

  • Practical experiences :
    • Importance of the load analysis to have very efficient systems
    • Absolute need of monitoring even if light
    • Major importance of very interaction between SAC and back up
    • Promising results on yearly balances (COPel >12)
  • Conclusion :