Task 48
Task 48
SHC Task 48

QA & Support Measures for Solar Cooling

Solar Cooling Opt final Workshop "Solar Cooling - Technology Status and Future Prospects"

Graz (Austria), 12th of November 2013

During this event, both the current state of the art and future-oriented developments and potentials were treated.

The substantive basis of the lectures originates primarily from the three-year national research project "Primary Energy optimization of solar cooling systems with more efficient systems engineering and innovative control strategies - SolarCoolingOpt" (project management AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies) under the research program "New Energies 2020" the Climate and energy Fund, but also from the results of a recent working group of the international Energy Agency - SHC Task 48 "Quality Assurance and Support Measures for Solar Cooling".

List of presentations (in German only) :

IEA im Rahmen der österreichischen Energieforschungsstrategie

René Albert (BMvt)


Technologiestatus und Aktivitäten der IEA SHC Task 48 „Quality Assurance and Support measures for Solar Cooling”

Alexander Morgenstern (Fraunhofer ISE)


Aktivitäten zur Solaren Kühlung in Österreich – ein Überblick zu Ergebnissen des dreijährigen Forschungsprojekts „SolarCoolingOpt“

Bettina Nocke (AEE Intec)

Optimierungspotential offene Rückkühlung

Erich Podesser


Solargestützte Kühlung UWC Singapur

Daniel Neyer (UIBK)


Betriebsanalyse und Regelungsoptimierung einer solargestützten Bürokühlung (DEC-Anlagen) im ENERGYbase, Wien

Anita Preisler (AIT)


Bettina Nocke (AEE INTEC)


Solare Kühlung für das Chemieinstitut KF-Uni Graz

Christian Holter (SOLID)


Solare Kühlung in der Praxis Holzinnovationszentrum in Zeltweg & Modehaus Behmann in Egg

Werner Pink (Pink)


Hybride Kälteversorgung für einen Pumpenhersteller

Samuel Knabl (AEE INTEC)

Sorptionskühlung in einer Molkerei

Jürgen Fluch (AEE INTEC)


Chancen und Grenzen solarer Kühlung im Vergleich zu Referenztechnologien

Alexander Morgenstern (FRAUNHOFER ISE)


Solar Cooing Quo Vadis

Tim Selke (AIT)