Freiburg (Germany) – 23-25/09/2013
This conference has been a success with interesting participations from Task 48 as much on the presenters as on the attendees.

SHC 2013, the second edition of this new series of international conferences on solar heating and cooling for buildings and industry, happened in Freiburg, Germany
Some 400 participants from all over the world joined the conference.
There have been 15 keynotes, 90 oral presentations and 140 poster presentations, followed by vivid discussions and networking opportunities during lunches, coffee breaks and at the extraordinary conference dinner.
The technical tours attracted great interest and completed the program on the 3rd conference day.
3 sessions included topics with Solar cooling :
- Session MON-3C: Water Heating / Solar Heating and Air-conditioning / District Heating / Solar Heat in Multi Dwellings and Collective Systems
- Session MON-4C: Water Heating / Solar Heating and Air-conditioning / District Heating / Solar Heat in Multi Dwellings and Collective Systems
- Session WED-1A: Solar Heat for Industrial Processes / Solar Refrigeration