The main objective of this Task was to assist with developing a strong and sustainable market for solar cooling systems. It focused on systems including any solar thermal cooling technology (no power limitation or solar collector field area) that can be used in heating mode.
The project built on the IEA SHC work already carried out by working to find solutions to make solar thermally driven heating and cooling systems efficient, reliable and cost competitive.
The main results of Task 48 are conceptually represented below. Click on a box to go to the report on that topic.

Task 48 Simplified short brochure
This synthetic brochure is intended to present the main results of the Task. This brochure underlines what was the methodology used to progress on the development of Quality procedures for solar cooling and what is the results on creation of tools policy support
Task 48 Position paper
Written by leading experts in the field, this paper provides an inside view for energy policy makers to understand why and how solar cooling systems should be supported and promoted.